
About Us: 

We believe that every individual has the power to create and facilitate change. And over many years of working with young people, we have learnt that the key to achieve change in society, is by working with ‘soch’ i.e thought process that has been influenced and conditioned through culture. Therefore, in order to create social, and psychological impact, one needs to work with mindset change. Rubaroo does so, by facilitating experiential learning opportunities through inclusive, mentored, self-reflective journeys.

An exposure to the ‘other’ builds capacities of individuals to become empathetic and inclusive citizens. Our programmes, campaigns, exposures, internships, camps, workshops, youth-led change initiatives, are all designed to challenge norms, stereotypes, social patterns by pushing some comfort zones through our activity based curricula. While each of these may be individualistic, they also exist in the context of social and political cultures. So along with learning more about our ‘self’ through everything that a participant may experience, they would also learn about communities around them, and the structure of diversity patterns that exist locally and globally. The development of life skills and lifelong learners can only happen in spaces where they get to experience and challenge notions about their own selves, with peers and friends from diverse groups.

Rubaroo works with a values-based approach, that focuses on acknowledging and recognising an individual’s values, which further influence attitudes and behaviours. And because the basic foundation - the values that each of us live our lives by - is at the centre of all learning, we are able to nurture the potential of individuals beyond identities and identity based conflict.

Issues:- To create a platform that is a safe and inclusive space for young people to access opportunities of learning and self development.



Stake Holders

Communities Served