Sankalp Jyoti
‘Sankalp Jyoti’ is a non–political and non–profit making voluntary organization. This organization was formed by a group of social work and development professionals who were inspired by participatory and collective social actions and interventions. They first studied the socio-economic condition of the people followed by the regular interaction with the local office before chalking out need based interventions in the area of operation. The findings of the problems were so acute and intense that they could not be dealt in a shorter period of time without joint efforts. With this realization ‘Sankalp Jyoti’ originated in the year 2004 and was registered under the Society Registration Act.
Since inception, Sankalp Jyoti has been working with women, children, youth, aged, farmers and laborers of the weaker and marginalized sections of the society who have been vulnerable to various disadvantages includingdisasters and social exclusion as well as denial their different rights. Sankalp Jyoti believes in development of these people through collective social as well as developmental action in a participatory approach.