Samekit Jan Vikas Kendra
Vision: A just and Humane Society based on the Gospel values of equality, love and peace.
Mission: To uphold the human dignity of the oppressed and marginalized through a process of empowerment.
SJVK works towards evolving and developing a just and human society where each person is accepted and respected as a human being, and treated with dignity, values of equality, fraternity and freedom are nurtured and nourished, and atmosphere of peace and harmony is maintained and where people live in dignity, collectively shaping their own dignity.
Development here is understood not as accumulating more or having more but of people being more, just concerned, cooperative, healthy, educated, more sharing and caring, self planned and self reliant, thus being more human.
- To promote first and foremost the development of human being irrespective of caste and creed, giving special attention to the under previleged and poor section of the soceity, specialy the tribals, dalits and the marginalized.
- To give people faith in themselves, hope to improve their condition, understanding of their duty and responsibility towards others, especillay towards their own village community and their neighbourhood (district, state and country).
- To help the communities to reliaze that they alone can bring a lasting change in their own conditions and motivate them to do so.
- To develop and train those human talents and resources which are latent in every community, always aimimg at in the integral development of the human person, which includes peace, justice, freedom, brotherhood, self and mutual respect.
- To sponsor and promote, socio-economic development activities especially those which encourage self-help hard-work and thrift, develop skills, know-how and competence leading to increased production and better the economic status of the rural communities, priority being given to those projects which benefit people directly over those which go to strengthen institution, without excluding them howevre, create a spirit of national pride and civic sense, leading then to integral development of persons and to a true and complete humanism.
- Undertake rehabilitation, releif and welfare work, for the benfit of those in need, particularly
victims of natural and other calamities such as drought, floods, famines, epedemics, war etc., whether in the territory of the soceity or outside of it, as the situation demands.
Issues:- Aged/Elderly, Art & Culture, Children, Civic Issues, Dalit Upliftment, Education & Literacy, Environment & Forests, Human Rights, Information & Communication Technology, Right to Information & Advocacy, Sports, Tourism, Women's Development & Empowerment
Issues:- Agriculture, skill development, health, adolescent and youth empowerment, natural resource management among tribal blocks