Naveen Kumar Mahato (23) is a young farmer from a marginalized caste background who identifies as a pansexual. Despite facing caste, class & gender barriers, he sees prosperity in what he has and believes that irrespective of their circumstances, everyone, especially young people have a lot to give to their communities. An active volunteer with People For Change, Naveen has been leading the distribution of ration and medicine kits for the transgender communities and delivery of oxygen cylinders to COVID-19 patients across Jamshedpur, Jharkhand.
Souvik Saha, the founder of People for Change, demonstrates a profound commitment to youth development in Jharkhand. With a background in instructional design and facilitation, he has spearheaded initiatives to empower adolescents and youth with critical skills for personal and social transformation. Through People for Change, Souvik has impacted the lives of over 30,000 adolescents and 10,000 young people, catalysing journeys of self-discovery and societal change across the region.