Sneha Chauhan
About Sneha Chauhan
Sneha Chauhan, is a dynamic and passionate young leader from a remote village in Sheopur district, Madhya Pradesh. Coming from a farming family, she has demonstrated resilience and independence from a young age, supporting her education through part-time jobs while actively engaging in community service. With a strong background in social activism and masters in sociology, Sneha has been an active member of the National Service Scheme (NSS) during her college years, where she honed her leadership skills and commitment to community development. Her work with organisations such as Ajeevika Mission and Parhit Samaj Seva Santha has focused on creating Self-Help Groups (SHGs) for women, linking them to livelihood opportunities, and promoting organic farming practices.
Sneha is particularly passionate about environmental conservation, river conservation, and sustainable agriculture. She has mobilised community members to conduct rallies and campaigns, raising awareness about the importance of preserving natural resources and promoting sustainable practices.
About their project: :
Green Harvest project focuses on improving the livelihoods of the Saheriya community in the village of Mohammadpur through natural farming practices, kitchen gardening, and tree plantation. It aims to provide training and resources to the community to promote sustainable agricultural practices that are in harmony with nature. The project seeks to enhance food security, increase income for tribal families, and improve health and nutrition by encouraging the use of natural products and avoiding harmful pesticides. The initiative is structured into five phases with inclusion of varied activities as team building, baseline surveys, providing training on natural farming techniques and kitchen gardening, establishing kitchen gardens for daily nutrition and income, and promoting the procurement of natural products.
Additionally, the project will involve tree plantation efforts, awareness campaigns about sustainable practices, and monitoring and evaluation to assess impact. Community engagement will be prioritised by involving local leaders to foster support and participation, ultimately empowering the Saheriya community and improving their living standards while promoting a sustainable relationship with nature.