Ashraf Patel

About Ashraf Patel

Ashraf has played a key role in developing the inside-out youth leadership field. She is an active member of the vartaLeap Coalition, a cross-sectoral community of 150  key stakeholders working with the mission ‘Every Youth a Jagrik, Every Space Nurturing Jagriks’. With Adaptatva and Vyaktitva she is enabling co-creation of collective processes in the field of Life Skills, Early Childhood Development and Social Emotional Learning in partnership with leading organisations.
She is an Ashoka Fellow, Distinguished Alumnii XLRI, Social Entrepreneur of the Year Awardee 2018, and Schwab Social Entrepreneur Awardee in her identity as co-founder of Pravah and ComMutiny - The Youth Collective, two pioneering organisations in adolescent and youth centric development. Ashraf is the co-author of 'Ocean in a Drop – Inside Out Youth Leadership' a critical guidebook for the field. She is currently working on a collaborative course for development practitioners called  ''Par-Us- Par - Spurring Interdependence and Nurturing Collectivisation, Alliances, Networks and Coalitions.