Arunavha Dam

About Arunavha Dam
Arunavha, originally from Guwahati, Assam, now makes his home in Samsing, West Bengal. His extensive travels through the remote villages of Northeast India ignited his passion for sustainable, community-driven tourism, which led him to co-found the Muhaan Collective. Arunabha prioritises sustainable, community-led tourism that empowers locals, conserves cultural heritage, retains community land ownership, and creates sustainable youth livelihoods to combat outward migration and foster community development.
About their project: : 
Living with the Forest Centre project seeks to create a model for harmonious coexistence with forests near Neora Valley National Park. It prioritises sustainable, community-led tourism initiatives that empower local populations while conserving cultural practices and heritage. By partnering with traditional knowledge keepers and local forest communities, the Centre fosters nature-positive, community-based tourism. It offers immersive programmes and ecological practices that support community-led conservation and empower forest communities through knowledge exchange and collaborative efforts. The mission of the Living with the Forest Centre is to protect and celebrate the ecological, traditional, and cultural narratives of forest and rural communities. By documenting and sharing this invaluable knowledge, the project aims to develop replicable models of sustainable tourism for rural communities worldwide. Through experiential learning programmes and workshops, the Centre facilitates a meaningful exchange of ideas between local and global communities, enhancing traditional livelihoods and integrating them into modern economies, all while preserving ecological and biocultural balance. Arunavha and Vicky's dedication extends beyond environmental preservation; they strive to inspire a new generation to envision and build a future where humans and nature thrive together.