Fundamental Right, Card -4 ,self, Silver 

Task : Make a new friend from a religion different from yours, conduct an interview about their homes / religious places/ festivals and try to find the similarities and differences, Share the highlights of your experience and what you learnt with the Jagrik in the Jamghat.. 

Experience :  The jagrik Sayan karmakar experienced that, to do this task he used his phone because of lock down situation.. His childhood friend Simon Hembram whom sayan knew since class 3th  but never asked him about his religion and festivals before. So Sayan felt rewarded for this task he got to know about Simon and his religion and festivals.. 
And also Sayan asked him about his locality where Simon live.. 
So Simon said he live in a locality where Hindu and Muslims are his neighbor.. 
Simon belong from Christian religion where he believes god is one.. And Christmas and Good Friday ate the main festivals of Christians.. 
Simon also shared that Jesus taught about the significance of Love, mercy and honesty and hate and avoid sin not the sinner. Then the jagrik discussed with Simon about the similarities between Hinduism and christian.. Ideas like love, truth, mercy and differencs between the idea of soul because in Hinduism God is the ultimate destination of soul.. It's neither heaven nor the hell.. Apparently Hindus worship many lords but practically they are the same, one supreme being.. 
The jagrik glad to know and share each others view and jagrik concluded we both worship same God but in a different way.. 

Challenges : It's difficult for the jagrik to do this task over phone call.. And Simon was not agreed to discuss about religion.. 

Learning : From this task jagrik learnt about Everybody has the Right to freedom of Religion..