Fundamental Right (Self)

Jagrik Story-7


Jagrik Name: - Jemi khatun

Cohort No. – 01

Geographical area of Work – Maharajpur, Block- Ratua-2, District- Malda

Task: - Fundamental Right (Self)

Gold Task (card-1)


Experience: -

Jamie Khatun is very good at playing games on mobile (phone) on the bus or is very addicted. She told her parents to stay away from mobile for a week and not to use mobile for a week and even then Jamie experienced that ordinary people's life The needs of different people are not always expressed. This was my experience from a week away from mobile and I discussed this with five girlfriends.

Learning: -

From this work, Zami learned that not only mobile phone games can be played, news from all over the world can be known and various information can be exchanged. Jamie also learned from this that it is necessary to use it when needed and addiction is more likely to harm health


The fact that I was so happy to be able to control myself took on the challenge of convincing five girlfriends and doing that was a huge challenge for Jamie.