Fundamenta Rights

Jagrik Story-9

Jagrik Name: -Kaushik Lohar & Karuna Kumar Ghosh

Org. Malda Sahayogita Samiti

Task: -FR5CB1


Experience: -

Kaushik Lohar & Karuna Kumar Ghosh together with the help of Jagarik Mentor found a school student in the neighborhood and explained the Right to Education Act to the child's parents. According to the Right to Education Act 2009, there is an official system of providing free education to any child. From now on, their experience is that if they understand or cooperate in a good way, people can understand or use it.

Learning: -

By doing this, they got to know and understand the Right to Education Act better. The Right to Education Act 2009 provides a better understanding of the rules that parents are sending their children to school for fear of cost.


Challenge: -

At first they did not have a clear idea about the Right to Education Act so they could not explain the matter to the parents properly then they have been able to understand the Right to Education Act well.