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Sauhard is a nonprofit organization working with young people on issues of Peace and Harmony and received incubation support from Changelooms. Sauhard believes that there is certainly a need to give young people grounding in values of social justice, pluralism and secularism through democratic dialogue even as they youthfully explore religion, culture and their multiple identities. Given a right platform and opportunities energies of young people can be channelized for constructive activities to promote the spirit of Peace.

  • Personal and Social transformation –  Sauhard’s approach is to use Media and Arts to promote nonviolent attitudes and rganiza, values and ways of life, how to respond to violence, promote inter cultural learning, dialogue, and respect of democracy and human rights.
  • Creative Media – Sauhard uses creative mediums such as Films, Theatre, Music, Sports and photography to sensitize young people followed by Workshops, Trainings and Camps to build values of Peace, Harmony and Human Rights.