vartaLeap Coalition

Every Youth A Jagrik and Every Space Nurturing Jagriks

The vartaLeap coalition is a cross-sectoral grouping of 170 (and growing) youth engaging organizations from the development sector, government, media, educational institutions, and UN agencies who seek to create a movement towards a new norm – Every Youth A Jagrik and Every Space Nurturing Jagriks.



Why vartaLeap?


Our Goals

Our Design Principles

Click here to read the Coalition Charter in English and Hindi

The Ecosystem

68 Organizations
19 States


vartaLabs - Collaborative Innovations

The coalition has nurtured 7 vartaLabs (innovation labs) since it's conception in May 2019. These vartaLabs are at Design, Pilot and Scale stages in the coalition. Click in the respective innovation below to learn more about the innovation process and the vartaLabs.


Coalition Members

The coalition has over 179 members comprising cross-sectoral stakeholders members in their institutional capacity and some members in their individual capacity from Civil society, Philanthropy and Foundations, Education Institutions and Media sectors, Youth work practitioners as well as few members from Business, Government and UN agencies.
Click here to meet our coalition members

Strategic Working Groups

Members in the coalition work together in small working groups throughout the year. These working groups are hubs of innovation, learning, strategy and co-creation.